We completed openwater dives 1 & 2 Saturday at Deleon Springs with zero issues. Everyone executed the skills required in a very calm manner. Today we will complete openwater dives 3 & 4 at the Blue Grotto dive facility in Williston FL and if all goes as planned we will be heading home with 6 new PADI openwater divers!! We also have several PADI Advance and Enriched Diver students participating as well. We are anticipating a lot of fun and excitement today!!
Brian and I arrived at the Blue Grotto Dive Facility at 9:15 and slowly signed in our dive students and pleasure divers as they arrived. We had a group of 6 openwater students, 2 Divemaster trainees and 4 pleasure divers. After getting set up and completing the dive brief we headed down the stairs to the 74-degree water that was full of others divers and one soft shell turtle named Virgil.
The dives went well and we would like to congratulate Marissa, Justin, Eric, Christian, Maggie and Dan on becoming certified PADI Openwater Divers!!!.
Preston and John (Both certified Divemasters, looking to link up with Discover Diving Dive Center and become part of the family), pared up with Charity and Selina and completed two pleasure dives to 60’.
Afterwards, everyone shared their stories of the dives while breaking down their gear with the exception of Christian, Dan and Maggie who decided to enroll in the Advanced Openwater Diver course and went back in for their third and final dive of the day.
It was a great day for everyone and Brian and I got a chance to meet some great people and make some new dive buddies!!
Big thank you to everyone in attendance. It was a great time for all. Thank you Brad for sharing with us your experiences with such a great a class. We hope we have inspired someone else that wants to get into diving. If you ever get the chance to take classes and learn how to dive, even if we aren't your instructors, don't hesitate trying it. You won't ever regret it. It is such an awesome experience and a lifetime of enjoyment. Dive, Dive, Dive!